A very warm welcome to the first website in South Africa dedicated to this field.
A wealth of information
Here, you will find a wealth of information and resources about pathological narcissism and narcissistic abuse which is now becoming known as ‘narcissistic victim syndrome’. Pathological narcissism is also known as narcissistic personality disorder.
These resources include; my interviews with two world renowned psychopathic narcissists, my interview with one of the best clinical psychotherapists specialising in pathological narcissism, lists of books by the finest authors and clinical psychotherapists in this field, links to You Tube channels and further reading about people who have this disorder.
I believe that the most important aspect, apart from arming oneself with as much knowledge as possible, is to have ongoing support with someone who understands what narcissistic abuse is like. Narcissistic abuse is pernicious and pervasive and it affects the victim right down to the core or the soul. Its ultimate endgame is destruction and this is guaranteed. I believe that the final invoice that we receive from a narcissist is for our life. Ongoing support is vital as it is so difficult to extricate oneself from pathological narcissists due to the complex trauma bonding that occurs.
My own experience
My own experience of being involved with a pathological narcissist in an intimate relationship has become the drive to educate, inform, expose and ultimately empower and therefore liberate people who are currently or who have been in the same predicament. People suffer terribly at the hands of these severely disordered people. Narcissistic abuse has only come to the forefront of awareness over the last twenty years or so and so I have realised that the vast majority of people, including myself at the time, have little idea as to not only the devastating effects of pathological narcissism but also have no name to describe what they are going through. Now there is a name for this crippling and destructive evil and something can be done about it.
It is possible to extricate oneself from these toxic, destructive and one sided relationships and to re-embrace our precious selves and move again towards happiness, joy, hope, creativity, peace, fulfilment and self love. This can be done with knowledge, the brutal determination needed in the accepting and recognising the reality of pathological narcissism and all of the right support.
I have done it and I know many others who have done it too. I believe that you can do it as well.
It’s not necessary to suffer any longer…